
By TeaAddict

Is it Autumn?

It was decidedly nippy today - first time in weeks that I had to put a jumper on while working in the office. Yesterday it was summer but today it felt more like autumn.

Further evidence to suggest that it is now officially autumn..

- I went to Marks a couple of days ago with the intention of treating self to a new swimming cozzie. Their paltry selection of end-of-season swimwear was being sold off in a sale, so summer must be over!

- Also noticed that Marks has all its autumn collection in.

- Shops are full of 'back-to-school' stuff

- I have already had two conversations with two different people regarding plans for Christmas!!

- I found these amazingly purple plum things (not sure if they were actually plums.. didn't seem to be on the right shape of tree) on my day out yesterday.

Never mind.. I like autumn - I am definitely a cold weather girl!

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