
4years 297days

Today I have the ability to upload camera photos to my journal instead of just phone pictures. So today you get a shameless portrait of my girl, just posing adorably in my studio.

She went out with our friend for a little bit this morning - they went to the shops. Katie wrote a list, insisted on carrying her list and gathering her things, paying for them on her own, getting the receipt (Grandad is training her well) and packing them into a bag of her own. They came back as I was having some snuggles with my old uni friend's new, adorable, wee boy. Katie enjoyed playing with their 2 year old. Charlie was very sad to leave!

We had lunch together and headed for a play date at Lydi's house- they've been away a few days and she has missed them. They had a cute time sat on the sofa together, with Lydi stretching out and putting her feet over Katie's lap. This time it was Katie's turn to be sad when it was time to leave. I rapidly fed her and got her to bed when we came home. After she had spent some time photographing her babies in the studio, posing them and setting up the props like I do. Of sorts!

PS Katie is very proud of the top she is wearing - I sewed it but she designed it!

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