A fab day

It was an early start this morning, getting up in the dark to go and help Farmerboy milk the cows and feed the calves. After breakfast it was back out onto the farm again, this time feeding the cows, and getting out the calves born overnight and their mums, and putting them in a separate paddock, with lots of lush grass.

After lunch, I headed to the paddock, with my camera, that yesterday's calves were put in, with the intention of getting a lovely calf photo for today's blip. And I did - it was a gorgeous afternoon, and all the calves were enjoying having the warmth of the sun on their backs. The mum's weren't too far away - when ever I got too close to their baby, they would make sure I knew they were around supervising.

Farmerboy asked me to check in on the calving mob on my way back home. I went into the paddock next door, to avoid upsetting the cows, and noticed a cow just about to give birth. I stood there in the sun, watching with pure amazement, as this cow gave birth to its calf. It was nature at its best. The unusual thing about this birth was that the calf was breach (back legs first, head last). In breach births the calf usually gets stuck, and Farmerboy has to intervene and calf the cow.

However, this cow managed to do it all by herself (clever cow), and the end product was one healthy little calf. I stood there, photographing it all. If you are interested in having a look, click here.

I came home, and was about to download my blip photo, when I noticed that there was a beautiful wood pigeon sitting in the tree outside the kitchen window. After taking a few photo's of it, I noticed a second wood pigeon sitting on the ground. I snuck outside, and managed to take this photo. These birds are so beautiful. After a while it flew into the tree to join its mate.

It was so nice to have some beautiful warm weather this afternoon - and it was a pleasure being outside, helping on the farm. Long may the weather last.

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