
I got a free accordion with my magazine today. As you can see it takes a lot of concentration to play it. I need to stick my tongue out to help me.

We had the nasty weekly shop to do today. It is really hard work, I need to check the items going in to the trolley. Some don't get past me others get added in. I nearly managed a packet of strawberry sweeties but mummy caught me putting them in. Next time....

We had a busy afternoon of cleaning and tidying. The sofa and kitchen were today's victims. The whole house does get tidied and cleaned at some point every week. It's just to much todo all in one day. Mummy says she is fighting a losing battle and that it will all be there tomorrow. So sometimes playing comes first.

I had a lovely dinner of spaghetti bolognaise, garlic bread, cheesy garlic bread and bruschetta. Mmmm

I have been a very good girl today. So got a treat after dinner. I also spoke to grandma and grandad on FaceTime. They are having a brilliant holiday, I said cheers to them as they had a drink while talking to me.

Mummy found one of her necklaces in my cot. I took it to bed last night. I wonder what tonight's toys will be.....

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