Story time

Mummy took us all to the book fair today. We all got a book. I got one with lots of bedtime fairy tales. It brilliant. Daddy read me one tonight and I sat still, listened to the whole story beginning to end and didn't move. Just looked at the pictures pointing things out. Tonight's story was called the elves and the shoemaker.

I had a great day playing with my brother and sister. We were out in the back garden, on the trampoline, in my house, in my car and crawling through the tunnel.

I was a big girl at bedtime tonight. Daddy put me in my cot, tucked me in and said good night. I was a bit upset but once I had picked my toys for bed I was happy to go to sleep. Tonight's bedtime buddies are my singing milkshake maker(!) and my policeman from happyland. I did try to get a BOX of baby wipes in too but couldn't fit them through the gap in my cot. Mummy took some teddies out, the milkshake maker and my dolly out so I have room to move. The policeman stayed as he is little.

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