Trouble & Strife

Trouble and Strife, our grandchildren, otherwise known as Justine and Emma have arrived and true to form have kept us on our toes today. These photos were taken at a fun filled part of the day at the play park. After an early start ( Justine crept into our bed at 7.15am ) so about twelve hours later we are just about dropping as we try to settle them down.

Zoe is a perfect dog with grandchildren as she will let them do virtually anything with her but we have to keep our eyes skinned with Baxter as he can easily get grumpy and growl so a muzzle is needed at times. Justine who simply dotes on the dogs just does not understand how any dog could not like her and is alarmed if he growls at her. Whilst writing this I can hear noises from the bedroom which indicate it might not be ‘quiet’ night !

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