Spa Orchestra

4years 300days

When I was in my 20s, I nannyed for a very lovely family for quite a few years. Their parents were (are) musicians with Britain's only remaining Seaside Orchestra, The Scarborough Spa Orchestra. I spent a lot of happy times with the girls at the concerts and today Katie went for the first time. She danced wonderfully along and had a great time. We then headed to the beach for a play and donuts before it was time to head back to Grandad's to get ready for the 3rd party of the weekend.

We had a great time at Nathaniel's 5th birthday. Katie had been adamant on the way "Mummy, I will not go on a bouncy castle. If there's a bouncy castle, I wont go on". And usually, this is absolutely the case. She does not like going on them when its busy/there are other bigger children. Both of these criteria occurred, but for some inexplicable reason she decided in fact that she wanted to play (maybe its big slide was enough to force her through the anxiety?!). They had a yummy party tea, played pass the parcel.  The five children were really happy to be back together again.

A friend gave us a ride into town, where we met Granny and Grandad. We had afternoon tea in a cafe that, until not very long ago, was a cliff lift. One I have ridden in many times. It was very strange being in the cafe at the top of the tracks, with the tracks still there. It felt like the cafe should begin moving down at any moment. We made the train in plenty of time. Katie was asleep in less than 5minutes and slept all the way home. She ate a huge tea and went back to bed an hour later! Definitely partied out!!

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