You all know how I hate Mondays, and it's even worse when you've enjoyed a great weekend, with no cooking!! So I'm glad today is nearly over.

The morning started wet, and I didn't want to get up. And it's also been very windy. So I was horrified to see the above leaning over, bent and looking sorry for itself. I have been waiting to photograph it hoping to catch the flowers going right up the stem but I thought I had better get on with it before it gets either eaten or permanently damaged.

It is an Eucomis (Pineapple plant) and looks very exotic. We bought it last year on a trip to Hampshire and it was drastically reduced. Was thrilled to see it didn't die off in the winter and finally flowered.

Cut some more glass this afternoon without any further serious finger damage but did manage to get some glass in my foot. ouch.

Thankyou for the kind comments on my New Forest collage and I apologise I still haven't caught up with commenting. You are a lovely bunch of people, sending hugs to you all before I fall asleep. xxx

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