It has been a very long emotional day.  Not only did we take Matthew back to Longrun House but we also saw Adrian, coming back from a walk.  At first he didn't see us, but as soon I spoke to him, he rushed towards me, giving me a hug.  This confirms that he cant see very well but refuses to wear glasses.  His injured toe looks terrible, still weeping and extremely enlarged.  We are now waiting for his next hospital appointment when they well decide how best to sedate him etc.  It must be painful but he doesn't complain.

It was good to be back home and we took Phoebe down to the sea.  As we sat and ate our tea in the lounge, reflecting on the day, this was our view.  It is amazing to watch the colours as they change.

I hope your Tuesday has been kind to you.  Thankyou for the comments on our little Summer House.  This is our little bit of England, and we love it.  Sending hugs to you all. xxx

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