
By Katy8

Turn around Mum.......

...and I did, this is what I saw!
Well, almost.
In actual fact as daughter said "turn around Mum", indicating I should look at the light behind me, a surfer dude was walking by and mistakenly thought she was directing my attention to him!
He looked very pleased with himself and strutted along with quite a swagger.
Darling daughter, maybe unkindly, directed his attention over his shoulder (with a point of her finger) to the glorious sunset and he quite literally deflated when he realised he wasn't the object of our interest....hilarious!
Thankfully he then hurried out of the range of my wide angle lens and disappeared into the pounding surf.

As I may have mentioned before, the very talented landscape photographer Ken Duncan has said that in actual fact "the shot" is often 180 degrees from where you might THINK the real shot is!
I was very focussed on this visage and the spill from the ocean baths at high tide, which I have added to my Blipfolio. Thank heavens daughter was along and able to point me in the right direction!

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