Inchmore Gallery

I've been wanting to visit the Inchmore Gallery for quite a while but everytime we seem to go past it was closed so today we managed to pop in to see the Summer mixed exhibition.
The gallery is in an old church about 10km West of Inverness. We were really impressed by the work on display. Most of it was very local including some from the Black Isle. Davids lecturer from college had some mixed media on show too.
We were interested in some pictures by Thomas Keyesthat were created on roe deer skins, from road kill, using birch wood smoke and birch tar smoke. Not everyones cup of tea I know but I'm glad that this may bring awareness to the dangers of deer on the roads. A common danger up here.
In the Winter they have an exhibition by a variety of artists whose work is displayed in cd cases, over 400 displayed on a large board all the same size as a cd. David might have a go.

So if you are in the area please pop in as it is slightly off the beaten track but well worth the visit. See more here

I was really pleased to see that Sir Chris Bonington successfully climbed the Old Man of Hoy, Orkney to celebrate his 80th birthday. It was also to raise awareness and funds for Motor Neurone disease which he lost his wife to last month.

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