at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

oat I do like be beside the seaside

Ivy and I got an excited parcel today from Granny Grant. I let Ivy unpack it, and she did for a little bit until she found a book in contained and then only had eyes for that and chased me round the house with it. One of the things that parcel contained was a pretty nifty little sand tool set which we did exactly what I'm sure Granny grant intended us to do with and set up some sensory play, using oats for sand (because I used all the rice for rainbow rice play recently and the oats were handy since Ivy has been having oaty baths for her poor bottom)

Today was a much less easy day with her than the previously two have been. She wanted to get up at play before 5am, altough when she was persauded to go back to bed she did stay there till 7.30am. Euan and I have a new morning agreement were we alternate getting up with her at 6am and then he gets her at 7.30 when he'd have got up for work anyway. My days are Tuesday and Thursday, both days she's stayed in bed till 7.30 anyway (mwahahaha). Her morning nap was short, and as was her afternoon altough I persauded her to go back down for another half an hour after a quick cuddle.

She also doesn't seem to have much of an appetite today, I asked her if she wanted a bannana and altough she very enthusiastically ran to the kitchen to sit in front of the veg rack in aticipation (I assume in case i'd forgotten where the bannanas lived) she didn't actually finish her bannana, which I think is a first.

When Euan came home at lunch time he was greeted by Ivy waiting for him the hall and shouting 'DA DA'. Similiarly after school she crawled across me to get to him (only stopping to drag a book with her) He read her two stories before he'd even had a chance to get his coat off.

Since she was a bit clingy in the afternoon, I put her on my back in the wrap and went for a wander. Another half invented carry, but I ended up with a good meter and a bit of extra, so I seem to be looking for a shorter wrap whilst my sister looks for a longer one.

Did a spot of baking in the afternoon and made blueberry muffins and a bread dough for making filled rolls, bakeoff stylee. We filled them with red pesto, oregano, prosciutto and mozzarella and Euan rolled them into various pretentious shapes.

Thanks to someone I subsrcibe to explaining it to me, I now know how the search function on blip works, so if you'd like a look back I have a summary link to photos of Ivy and days I wrote about her favourite things:

Granny Grant (who since she sent Ivy's new favourite book has rocket up the list of favourite things)

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