Today's Special

By Connections

August's Abundance

Local food and flowers abound at the Bellingham Farmers' Market this month!

Take a look at just a small part of just one farmer's stall here. Those glowing tomatoes, eggplant, basil, and peppers are a glorious sight to enjoy today and to revisit with longing in the depths of winter.

[Addendum: Our evening meal was fresh wild Alaskan sockeye salmon (a record run this year, selling at our food co-op for $10/6 GBP/7.55 Euro a pound), corn on the cob (Terra Verde Farm), green beans (Terra Verde Farm), yellow and red cherry tomatoes (Cedarville Farm), black olive bread (BreadFarm), and fresh peach ice cream from Mallard, our local ice cream shop, topped with wild blackberries that Phil picked over the fence between our back yard and the undeveloped land behind us. ]

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