Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

phala for breakfast..........

A friend of mine is leaving Malawi after 15 years to go back to Scotland. She was invited to preach at one of our rural congregations this morning and I went along to be the driver and the photographer!! We had a great day - arrived to be greeted with a glass of Thobwa (a local brew made from millet). Then we were taken to the head teachers of the primary school's house for breakfast (tea and bread). Next to church where it was quite a relaxed affair - singing was fabulous and hospitality wonderful! After church my friend was given gifts of eggs, groundnuts, oranges, and two chitenji (the colourful cloth the ladies wear). The chitenji said Merry Christmas on it which was great! We then went back to the head teachers house for lunch of nsima, chicken and vegetables! Home again and shattered!

This picture is at one of the villagers homes - after church the children were having breakfast of phala (maize porridge!).

Thanks for all the comments on my recent posts - much appreciated!!

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