Birthday Girl.

As you can probably guess, today is my birthday. The sunflower bouquet is from my brother and sister-in-law, and the one on the right is from my granddaughter. My g/daughter, now she is a working girl, bought them from a florist and payed for them herself. How amazing is that? The weather is very bad today and impossible to take blips outside. We went out to Cowbridge this morning as i wanted to have a coffee and something snackie to eat. Nearly all the shops were closed. We went to Waitrose, and bought a more expensive bottle of wine than we would normally have, and drove back around the coast road. We thought we would go to Parc Slip to see if it was open, and hooray, it was. I had a coffee and a piece of caramel cake that was sublime ( it was the first piece out of a complete cake ) I could have ate the lot. It was so nice just to sit there and look at the rain bouncing off the tables outside. When we had finished the lady serving said, there is an art exhibition upstairs and i am sure they would like to see you, so up we went. It was an exhibition by the Llantwit Major art club. They were pleased to see us, and said we were the first people that visited them today, and this was about 1.30. Well at least we made someones day. We are back home now, and i am going to have a quiet afternoon. Pity about the weather , but that can't be helped. Another year older, but it's good to be alive and kicking!

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