Coat of many colours.

When we got up this morning, we had to phone our daughter to sing , Happy Birthday to her (it's a family tradition that was started by my mother & father) J then went out on his bike, and i walked to get the newspaper. When i got back i did lots of wifey things, and by the time i had finished, J got home he's not dull you know We decided to go for a drive to look for a blip. We went to Maesteg, up over the mountain and back through Port Talbot and home. I took a few photos but they were rubbish, but it was a pleasant drive. When we got home, i went out the garden to get the washing in, and J shouted from the bedroom window, look on the garage wall. This butterfly was settled there ,so i rushed to get the camera , managed to take a few photo and off he flew. Sorted!

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