Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me

What is the key to my success?

A difficult question that needs much thought; What is the key to my success? Can I even identify it without experiencing it? It is an abstract idea to, being completely successful in everything in life. I thought it might be more helpful to start with just the most imortant parts of life...have they been successful? I smirk as I write this, my hubby's feet tucked under me, the chidren are sleeping, all is good under this roof. For me success is not defined by how much money I make, or how far I can climb up the corporate ladder. To me success is having happy, healthy children, social acceptance, positive relationships, and a love for learning. The problem is seeing past the little things that stress me out, like dishes, homework overload, difficulty with bedtimes....the list goes on but so does life. Reflecting on this will hopefully help me to find happiness in little things too.

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