at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

guilty looking babies...

We went to a lovely birthday party in the afternoon, Tilda (pictured here) was 1 in the summer and so there was cakes and bubbles on the lawn to celebrate. Ivy had a whale of a time, she attached herself to a lovely spanish couple and a teenage girl and barely had a word to say to me, until she wanted me to open a packet of fruit laces for her. (when the fruit laces appeared, Ivy made a pile of the packets and sat on it). Tilda showed off her amazing walking skills by going up and down her driveway. She made Euan and I laugh, because her teenage cousin showed her to shout into the biscuit tin because it made a funny noise, so Tilda kept picking up the tin to shout into it.

A ridiculously hard night with Ivy, her second top tooth was cutting through and bleeding a bit. She kept pulling at me and pointing at her mouth as if to say 'fix it mummy'. Heartbreaking. Then she was very hard in the morning and the afternoon too and wouldnt let me put her down, I was tempted to say 'we can't go to a party if you're like this Ivy', but of course being out the house distracted her and she cheered up instantly.

It was toy rotation day today, i'm pretty pleased with the new selection that's out. Ivy currently has a real insterest in stacking things and putting things into other things- so she has some stacking bowls and cubes and a biscuit tin filled with various containers and some wooden bowls. Also gave her a box of 'shaking things' that makes various different noises but are all played in the same way.

Coming back from Tilda's party Ivy still seemed very chirpy so we took her down to the wee pier for a bbq in the boat shed. We took a whole pre-cooked roast chicken that I dismally failed at warming up on the bbq, I think the biting cold wind was chilling it as quickly as the coal was warming it.

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