Barbed Wire Sunset

A beautiful day of sunshine, blue skies and warm.

I was meant to be at work in the museum today but had to take the day off sick and missed this lovely day :( Instead I've spent the day on the sofa watching crap on TV like Celebrity Big Brother for 5 minutes, and who are these people. I only knew one that was in Benefit Street and if that makes a celebrity now, god help us :) I did see a bit of sunshine when I had to let Sammy dog in and out. I'm feeling better this evening and hope to be back at work tomorrow.

Mam had some of my nieces over for tea but she had to dash off to a meeting afterwards and left me to run them home. On the way back home, there was a beautiful sunset. Thought I'd try using barbed wire rather than a usual scenic view. Taken at Bigton, looking towards Foula.

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