
By cracker

Tia and Emma

Today we had mum's 'celebration of life' at the footy rooms. Kaz and I left at 11 to go to Leongatha to pick up the community bus to take Pop to it. We got to the nursing home in Foster and Annette and Neil had him all ready in his wheel chair. The bus has a hoist at the back so we could put the wheel chair on that then lift it into the bus.

Pop has been in the nursing home for about 2 years and hasn't ever wanted to go anywhere, he hardly leaves his room. He can't walk anymore so needs the lifting machine to do anything. He just sits in his recliner chair all day then gets lifted to his bed at night.

When we told him about mum though he was really keen to get out and go to her wake. We were really surprised, so quickly got everything organised!

Pop used to get carsick a lot and when he got moved from the Toora nursing home to the Foster nursing home he was sick then, even though it's only a 10 minute trip. We made sure he was given some sickness medication and we had towels and sick bags though in case.

Annette, Neil and Kaz came with us which was lucky. We set off ok but Pop didn't look too good, we made it almost all the way before we had to stop and Pop vomited. We went the rest of the way then he vomited again when we stopped.

He made it into the rooms then Neil said a few words about Mum then Pete told some stories. I was standing with Pop and he didn't look too comfortable. When the speeches had finished we wheeled Pop out into the fresh air but he seemed to pass out for about 10 minutes so we called the ambulance.

They came and by that time Pop was with it again but they took him off to hospital just in case. I felt so bad that it had turned out that way. I was hoping that everything was going to great and we could take Pop out more often but I don't think that will happen.

The afternoon was good, there were heaps of people came and I got to see a few cousins that I hadn't seen in ages which was nice.

Kaz and I took the bus back to the nursing home at about 6 and just as we arrived they had a call from the hospital saying Pop could come back. Kaz and I went over with one of the ladies and wheeled Pop back to his room. I was pleased I got to see Pop again and he was fine. They think it was just low blood pressure, the vomiting and the excitement and nerves.

I am exhausted. It's been a massive couple of weeks. Kaz is going back home tomorrow but I'm staying with Dad until next Tuesday. We will drive down to Melbourne together because I don't have a car then we'll stay at nik's house and she will take me to the airport. It will get dad out of the house for a couple of days which will be good I think.

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