what we did today...

By SarnieV

A day in the studio

First morning back in my studio, first painting after the summer hols. I've got a couple of exhibitions to paint for and loads of ideas so it was great to get to it.
It has rained all day, D is now full of cold and both guys were tired after their first full week back so they spent the afternoon watching Star Wars episode I followed by the lego batman movie. I made popcorn and then left them to it while had a go at setting up a "sign up to my email newsletter" thing on my website. I really have no idea what I am doing and although it does now appear on my website and Facebook page - I have yet to find out if any names actually appear in the list! Wish I knew someone who was clever at this kind of thing! I then cheered myself up by stroking, admiring and playing with my new box of pencils. I do love new art materials. I normally work in black and white in my paintings so it's nice to play around with some colour especially on such a wet wet wet day!

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