Never surrender!

A couple of Fridays ago, we went to our favourite Indian takeaway near Laura's (it's called Thindian and I blipped it when it first opened).

Shiraz, the owner, hadn't seen us for a few weeks as Mr A had been away, so we had a good catch up while they prepared our food.

We kind of know him from where he used to work, so it's nice to see him doing well in his own right.

He always asks our opinion on the food; hand on heart, we've never been disappointed with the food from there.

Shiraz very kindly said he would put us some freebies in with our order. We ended up with a pile of poppadoms, complete with salad & chutneys; onion bhajis; seekh kebabs; lamb samosas and a peshwari naan for me!

The lamb samosas were the most divine things I've ever had from a takeaway.....just WOW!

As we were leaving (with our already laden bag), Shiraz asked me if I would like a chicken madras, as the chef had made it in error and he knows I love spicy food. I felt bad saying yes as he'd already given us loads, but he said it would only go to waste and the food is far too good for that!

So, I brought it home and put it in the freezer to save for my next home alone night.

Tonight was the night (Mr A was visiting his bro) and I'm so glad I was alone as it damned near blew my head off!!! I'm not sure if it's matured in the freezer, but it packed a serious punch heat wise.

If Mr A was here, no doubt tonight's blip would have been my red faced, watery eyed, runny nose mugshot (thank heaven for small mercies....for both me and you, dear wasn't a pretty sight!)

I've not met a curry yet that I couldn't handle, so this wasn't going to beat me.

Thindian excels at what it does, which means it's secured the #1 spot on Trip advisor for takeaways in Leyland already (it's only been open for 3 months).

However, the only critique of note, is that people say the food is generally spicier than dishes they've had before. I would definitely agree with this after my madras; that's a dish I've had countless times and never a problem.

What surprises many people, is that even with a mouth full of fire, the flavours of the other spices & the meat still come through. That takes some doing!
As does reducing me to a dribbling, snotty nosed wreck!

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