Caught In The Web

The Cygnet has man-flu......................Poor wee bugger.

He was feeling more than a little bit under the weather this morning and spent the whole time cuddled up to me watching his programmes.

Squirrel had her first full session at playgroup.
As yesterday she said goodbye and disappeared without a problem ...... talk about confidence.

The Cygnet insisted that he was going to nursery after lunch.
He got about 400 yards and I had to go and collect him.
He was being harassed by a very aggressive wasp (which kept landing on his eyelids and face) and he just lost the plot and wanted to come home.
Give him his due, he didn't lash out at the wasp - maybe just as well - but he really wasn't up to going into nursery.

We did all head out to the park for a short while to get some air in the lungs and walk the dog.
The Cygnet was insisting on climbing the rope structure to come down the slide.
I managed to help him get to the top of the large open slide (somewhere between 8 and 9 feet).
Luckily for me it had just started to rain and we had to run for cover otherwise there would have been another meltdown if I had to tell him there was no way I was going to be able to get him up to the tube slide.

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