what we did today...

By SarnieV

Calla Lily back from the compost bin...

Last year I was given two calla lilies for my birthday. They flowered and then died off. I thought I'd managed to kill them so put them in the compost bin. When turning the compost bin earlier in the summer I found them re-sprouting so potted them back up. They are now looking like house plants again and I'm starting to wonder if I might get flowers from them again this year. I suspect this is a rather un-orthodox method of overwintering them. I might read up a bit more on how to care for them this time.

I was reminded as we spent this afternoon moving 2 compost bins so we can get a builder to build us some steps in the garden. Hopefully turning them will activate it a bit and make it compost quicker.

This morning I had my first ever ride on a horse. It was fab, I really enjoyed it. My lovely neighbour has said she is happy to take me again, so I can't wait to have another go!

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