Lambsear Park

4years 309days

Today Katie had the last session of her summer library challenge. She was delighted when they received a proper metal medal. Although her and her friend were less impressed that it didnt have a ribbon, so we went to get one for them each! I had suggested a wee picnic after library. Katie wanted to go to the "Lambs Ear Park". Lambs' Ear is her recently discovered favourite plant. She sits and strokes her face with a leaf when we go.

After picnic with our friends, Katie had her first of her second summer swim course. She had a great time as her little friend from her normal swimming lessons came too. They were super pleased as after doing their usual end of lesson jump into the pool, their instructor allowed them to try jumping from the starter blocks. Katie could barely climb it, but boy was she proud of herself jumping off!

We had a bit of a walk after the lesson, spot of shopping and headed home

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