Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


Woke up last night with some pretty bad stomach pains at about 3.30....not good. :(

My car's fan belt was screeching last week so I took it to the mechanic in my building who replaced it that same day (really convenient). But tonight as I was pulling away from work I realised it was doing it again, even with a brand new fanbelt. So I took it back and they sprayed it with something to make it better but it hasn't. It's still pretty unhappy.

I've noticed this light coming on for about 15 mins after I've been driving the car too. Spoke to the mechanic about it who checked the water and coolant and said both were okay and that the car was just being tempermental. Not great to hear.

So it seems that the car that's never had a thing wrong with it is suddenly getting picky. ;)

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