Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Tossed up

Woke up again at the back of two with stabbing pains in my abdomen. :( If it happens again tonight I'll make an emergency appointment at the docs. I absolutely hate going because I always feel like I'm wasting their time but if I have something it needs to be fixed. My otherwise perfect sleeping pattern is being ruined. ;)

So this morning was rather groggy as I moped about work, still a little sore and exhausted. My mum reckons I might have IBS (yuk) so have decided to be really careful about what I'm eating. Easier said than done when you have 2 creme eggs in the fridge. But if that's what it is, my diet needs to be more carefully regulated. Probably bad timing too since I'm going to be eating Mexican food tomorrow night. If I do go to the docs and he says no more cheese....well that will just be the end of me. ;)

So tonight I'm having soup for dinner (the first food today and the only thing I think I could stomach - apart from the Creme Eggs which will be a challenge!) and an early night in bed with Bella and Edward. I've just started Eclipse. Not as good as the others so far but we'll see. :)

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