The Wee Blue Book

I've been waiting ages to get my hands on one of these. And tonight at the Indy Quines Women for Independence panel meeting for undecideds at Oldmeldrum - with some great speakers I might add -a copy finally 'winged' its way to me. I was told the little wee gems are for undecideds, not confirmed yessers. I know they are right but I've wanted to get my hands on one for soooooo long. But duty calls. So, once I've read through it tonight, I'm going to pass it on to a very good friend of mine who says she's undecided. I hope she realises how hard it will be to let my wee blue book go, but she's worth it, and so is the chance of helping secure a yes vote for Scotland. Tonight's latest YouGov poll says its 47% yes, a huge increase from their earlier odds, but I've been hearing local canvassing stats suggest it's much higher. Not many more sleeps until we find out the real deal. I hope we do it. I hope we get a yes.

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