High school

When Daisy started Reception, she set off with toothpaste on her jumper. I don't think this is toothpaste (there are many liberties being taken as a result of my reduced mobility) but nice to see the tradition continues. We did clean it off before she actually left.

Anyway, I digress. A year later than the rest of the country because of Worthing's current first/ middle/high school structure but Daisy started High School today. She has come home very happy with her day and the ham baguette she bought from the canteen at lunch time. So all good then. Will is still enjoying his summer holidays, finely tuning his X Box skills and knowledge.

I went back to the nurse to have my dressings changed, she said she thought I looked happier today. I agreed that I was, this moving about on crutches thing is getting a little easier. Thank goodness.

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