When in Rome... (5)

… try reading a map!

Our last full day in Rome, which began with a bus ride to the edge of the city to visit the Circus and Villa Maxentius. This is smaller, but more complete, than the Circus Maximus (which in any case was closed for restoration).

Afterwards, we went to the Museo della Mura (Museum of the Walls), which is is located within the San Sebastiano Gates, one of the largest and best conserved gates in the Aurelian Walls. Here, we were able to walk along part of the city wall which was built in the 3rd Century AD.

Next, we went to the Largo di Torre Argentina, a site of four Republican Roman temples and home to a cat sanctuary that currently cares for about 200 stray cats, with the very wildest living in the temple ruins.

Then we went to the Crypta Balbi, which is the other part of the Roman National Museum. This museum shows the findings of a slice, quite literally, through 2000 years of a building’s history.

Tonight we ate at the Ristorante e Pizzeria Zio Ciro. I had sliced meat with salad, followed by Panne Cotta with chocolate sauce. And, not surprisingly, more wine!

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