I Stink of Ferret!

It was Carey's birthday breakfast at the Marriott this morning, an excellent way to start the day. We had a swim and then had fruit and birthday cake...lovely.

I then met Kath at the Romiley Young Farmer's Show and what a glorious afternoon we had. There were lots of horsey people there along with lots of horses. There were lots of tractors there along with tractor lovers. There were chickens, ferrets, guinea pigs, marching bands, horses, food stalls, owls, firemen, stunt bikes...oh and did I mention horses.

With the good weather and all the exciting events there were hundreds of people and everyone was in such a great mood. The stunt bikes were the highlight for me though, they were amazing as they danced through the air. I'm not a horse lover, but the shires were superb.

I held a gorgeous ten week old owl, I cheered as children ran into the arena and grabbed a rope to pull a fire engine, I enjoyed a cheeky 99...and I held a ferret! We walked past the ferret man and before I knew it I was holding one....my hands reeked of it afterwards, yuck. We had a fab time and took hundreds of pics and I was spoilt for choice tonight.

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