Legless Scotsman

So many blips today from a walk around Poznań to the second stage of the wedding celebrations. Yet more delicious food, mountains of meat and fish and rivers of wine and wodka. It seems that anyone at any time can call for a toast and everyone has to stand and greet the happy couple, require them to kiss then down a shot of vodka. In effect repeating what we did yesterday.

All great fun and the common theme if music brought everyone together. Whether oblah di oblah da, yellow submarine, YMCA, queen, everyone was up dancing. Interestingly, Gangnam style produced the greatest fusion.

Grant, in this picture, was very skilled at the routine. But this was him earlier in the evening - remarkably clear headed after the night before (as of course we all were!). Somehow his legs and his black socks disappeared into the table giving a lovely leg less blip!

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