RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Belair Blue

After a morning of beach volleyball (my back finally felt good enough to play once again) and a delicious lunch at the Belmont Brewing Company, my daughter and I walked through the 25th Annual Belmont Shore Car Show. Yes another event (technically not a Long Beach event, but certainly one within a short bus ride). Hundreds of pre-1975 cars were on display, two deep on both sides of 2nd Avenue, on a beautiful Southern California sunny afternoon. I shot much like I did at the aquarium the other day, quickly framing anything of interest, squeezing off a couple of frames and moving on without chimping the LCD screen. Made for a lot of sorting once I got the images on the computer. I discovered that I preferred the close-up, detail type of shots rather than the overall images, like this door-side view of a beautifully restored blue Belair Coup. Fun to see, even more fun to experience with my daughter.

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