
By kas18

Mummy's Little Helper

Hi Tom

Hope you travelled back ok. Shame about the score but better luck next time. At least I know you played well.

I've been really busy today. First I decided to cycle to fat club instead of taking the car. I lost 1lb but was happy with that. I've made a decision to cycle every week from now. I really enjoyed cycling.

Home for an outfit change and I was straight in the garden. I have so much cutting back to do. When I was mowing over the weekend I was getting scratched and stung so I'm on a mission to get rid of the nettles and cut back the over hanging, over grown bushes. I had my little helper with me. Oscar thought it was a great idea to keep pulling at bits of my cuttings and dragging them over the garden.

I had to stop for a bit to get to my boot session. Another change of clothes was in order. The first session back and boy was it hard. I wish I hadn't been so lazy now.

Then it was on to Tesco to get tea for tonight. I won't tell you what we are having or you will be envious.

Home and another change of clothes...back to the gardening ones as I was back in the garden with my loppers.

Last change of clothes was for my very first pilates class. I really enjoyed it. It's the first time I have worked hard without being hot and sweaty.

Home to eat.....and I'm still not telling you what we had ;).

I hope you had a good day.

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