Onions Galore!
Earlier in the year, April or May, we planted 120 onion sets. There was a mixture of Red and White onions but their names escape me for now.
Marlane had the idea of covering the allotment with weed suppressant mesh because I was all for giving the allotment up due to the constant battle with weeds. So, we were on our hands and knees cutting little openings in the mesh to plant the onions. 120 onions take some time to plant when you've also got to cut a hole through the material!
Anyway, due to a wet mid year, plus my operation putting me out of action for the past few weeks, we haven't' done anything to these onions since planting them. Last week I pulled a couple up to see how they were doing and my gast was flabbered when I had to enlarge the hole in the mesh to deliver a huge onion caesarian style!
Back this week to harvest the rest of them because the tops had all died off and a few were beginning to rot but due to Marlanes mesh idea we've had virtually no bother with weeds.
It took another 3 hours to gather them but what a satisfying haul we have. Now they have to be strung up, we usually put them into stockings but I doubt if we have enough to accommodate this lot!
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