
By Mindseye

One stump or two?!

This little gull (I think?) caught my eye because it has lovely plumage and an interesting black and red beak. I have no idea what type of gull it is, nor do I know why two such ornate stumps are sticking out of the lake at Three Sisters Recreational Park. I like the stumps as they have carvings on them, I also like the colour on the water cast by the sun.......and if you look closely you will see some kind of water plant, or weed, clinging to the side of one of the stumps, it looks very yellow as the sun is reflecting through it. I have had a quick look at gulls on the internet but cant quite see this little fellow, so if anyone out there knows, I would be interested to learna little more about him.
I have just re-read this write up and I had to smile to myself, it reads like one of those Aldi adverts, I like this, but I like this etc etc ;-)

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