at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

lunch time stroll with Daddy

Went to the park with Becky and Edith this morning, becuase the weather was amazing. Both Edith and Ivy found the only wet muddy patch in the park to play in and got their knees totally soaked through. I wish i'd snapped a picture of the two of them sitting passing a stick back and forth, whilst Reiff (the collie dog to whom the stick belonged) looked on hopefully. There's a steep grassy slope at the back of the park which Ivy discovered she had to crawl up instead of walk, but she then reversed backwards down it like she would down stairs. She's getting very good at that, she'll go backwards over a tiny change in level, for example the frame round the park.

We went to wlak home via the Deli and realised it was almost lunch time, so went back to the park with Euan for lunch. I earned major brownie points by bringing a pot of olives. Ivy had another Thia vegetable curry sausage roll, which is actually quite spicey. She did fall asleep on the way home, but I woke up her up to change her nappy and for a feed and she had a HUGE afternoon nap in her cot- I used the time to do a tesco online shop and order a plastic demi-john so Euan can finally use the homebrewing kit he got at christmas.

When she woke up, went to the garden to collect some Kale for dinner and discovered Rowan in the park. Ivy was thrilled. Rowan (who Ivy calls Row-a) pushed Ivy on the swing and played peek-a-boo with Ivy who used 'peeka' and 'gen' to make sure the fun continued. Lesley and I have decided we need to organise more Ivy, Rowan playtime since Ivy loves her so much.

At dinner ivy continued to insist on using a spoon, even altough we were eating the not very spoon appropraie kale quiche. In the end, she was lifting pieces of quiche up to put on her spoon to then take to her mouth. Provided you give her indifinite amounts of time to play/learn/explore whilst she eats she does actually put alot into her mouth.... eventually...

We had a bit of a mishap after bathtime, when Ivy took a tumble off of her changing table. Euan mostly caught her so she didn't completly land on her head, but she has hurt her shoulder. I thought it was really bad at first since she wasn't moving her arm (when I stopped screaming enough to check), but then she was moving it fine so I think she just bruised it. We'll keep an eye on it, looks like it's going to come up a peach.

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