Bee Spider, Bee Squirrel

I like this time of year when the bees get a little sluggish. The bees probably don't, but it allows me to get pretty close. I'm not even sure this one was alive. It didn't move for 10 minutes.

I'm watching the Fed-Ex Cup (golf), and getting ready for my weekend of Merrick. His grandma (my wife) is going up north, and his mom and dad are golfing, working, and going to a Detroit Tigers game. Soooooo...I guess I'll get the little man for at least Saturday morning.

They just had a weird thing happen at the golf tourney. Rory McIlroy hit a drive, and it went right into the pocket of a fans shorts. I can't believe that they made the guy take off his shorts so Rory could hit his shot! Right in front of the camera!

Actually, after talking with the rules official, the guy just took it out of his pocket...and Rory took a drop. But, I think the other scenario would have been funnier.

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