at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Winning smile

This is Ivy still in her pjamas this morning- eating a bannana chip. I love this smile.

I was watching a nature documentary this morning, and Ivy just has absoloutly no interest in the T.V at all, she only turns round when there's music of some sort on (she does dance to adverts). She did turns round once, notice some nursing giant guiniepig type animals and sign 'milk' and giggle. I put her on a mixtape pops sent her up, and the first track is some bagpipes which she instantly starting dancing too. I need to get it on video- it was HILARIOUS!

Busy day today- we went to the bouncy castle in the leaisure center. Ivy romped about- she's too small to be able to get onto either of the inflatables without an adult, but she didn't seem to want to admit it so just ran about the other half of the hall for a bit. Eventually I put her on teh boucny castle, which she climbed off and took my hand to show me she wanted to go in the ball pit. She learned to roll balls down the slope and had a great time. She ended her visit by first stealing various pairs of shoes and then harassing some little girls to share their 'CUP CUP CUP' with her.

She was a bit grumpy before lunch before Euan cheered her up with a two way game of peek-a-boo.

We had soya based immitation chicken nuggets and smiley faces for lunch. Suprisingly good. Ivy loved her nuggets and practised stacking with her smiley faces. We put her down for a quick 45 minute nap before hauling her up to go to Elphin for the annual chicken day, she slept in the car on the way there as you'd expect.

Ivy didn't do very well in the egg and spoon race. The man gave her a spoon, but no egg and I'm pretty sure she saw everyone else get an egg and was waiting for hers before she ran off. She did look very cute in the lineup though.

The chicken race itself was less totally chaotic exciting than last year in that all the chickens generally headed towards the finishing line this time, altough there was some chicken-on-chicken violence halfway down the course. The chicken we'd had a flutter (get it?) on didn't win unfourtantly. We should have backed the underdoghen. I did think the prettiest chicken competition was less of a fix than last year though, in that the chicken that won was at least something special (altough I thought the hairdo on the white one was better). The best dressed chicken was a sadly missed category....

I love living in the highlands...

We had the MOST delicious dinner. Stirfry with a big of super market pulled pork (the other half is in the freezer to be pulled out for my birthday next weekend), allotment tomatoes, mangetout (we had to shell the peas from some of the most overgrown ones) and lots and lots of various colours of french beans. Ivy ate so much, she and Euan had melon after dinner instead of something cream based and calorie packed. It was a melon she selected herself on a walk through tesco earlier this week.

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