at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


I didn't take today's photo. Laura did, but it was too pretty not to blip.

Here's some of the photos I had lined up during the day:

'let's start a band' (notice Ivy has learned you use two sticks to play drums, but has found a more efficient way of using the,
'can I go yet?' - We put Ivy on her chair to get her shoes on, hoping it'll be useful when she's a bit bigger. If she sees you getting her shoes now, she will head towards her chair. She loves shoes
'circus act'
We went to the cheilidh place for brunch with Laura. We got home about an hour after Ivy's normal nap time, and she was soo tired she fell asleep on the floor whilst I was putting her in her sleeping bag. Even when she woke up she was still quite sleepy and cuddly. (I love this photo)

In the evening we went up to visit Tim and Laura out at achiltibuie for a bbq, We collected Laura from the pub where she still was and took her with us. Ivy cried alot of the way there- not entirly convinced why- she cheered up pretty much as soon as we arrived, but didn't go to sleep like I thought she would.

Was a lovely evening- Ivy got shown some fossils by Laura (a geologist) that Ivy licked to check and see if they still had any meat on them. She had fun walking about on the grass and didn't seem as bothered by the midges as the rest of us. She had a second dinner (we had spaghetti before we left). She had a normal bannana and used a spoon to eat some of my cooked bannan with chocolate in teh middle. Her face was COVERED in chocolate. It wasn't till about 9pm that Ivy started to look sleepy, she slept in the car on the way home (and missed a hedgehog very small antlerless pygmy deer sauntering running infront of our car) and when Euan lifted her out, she woke up for a few seconds, giggled and went back to sleep. So she was put to bed with her face still covered in chocolate.

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