Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me

My Family Day

One of the very few "stat holidays" that has any true meaning to me is Family Day, which many families accross Canada celebrated today. It meant alot to me to be able to spend some quality time with my children and hubby, especially when our schedules are the way they are at the moment. I think of my calendar as a pack mule who never gets a turn to unload. Today showed me that maybe I take on a little too much, help a few too many people, and tend to forget about myself and my own family. Yes, selflessness is probably more unhealthy than selfishness. We went toboganning in Torrance, then made a fire at the family cottage and roasted marshmallows. It was an act of a true Muskokan family. I would have paid more attention to nature when I was taking photographs but my children are just too beautiful to point the camera away from them. This photo is of my oldest, she just ate a marshmallow.

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