
By MamaOfBoys

Start again

One little cheeky toddler got into my knitting and unraveled it, it couldn't be saved so I had to start again.

We had a lovely day. We visited my in laws and had coffee. The boys watched a cute little show on lightbox.

We cleaned up when we got home and Debbi came around for coffee and a visit. Kanye sat as close as he could, he just adores Debbi.

I called my nana and my dad today and had a chat.

I've been feeling nervous/excited/anxious about tomorrow morning when Andre calls the real estate agent. I've been aware that my talking about it a lot is putting pressure on Andre and he's feeling anxious too to come through, I have pulled back on my feelings and just told him I have faith and trust in him, that I know he'll do what he can. If we don't get it, it's ok, something else will come along.

So I'll leave it at that and know that you are all hoping, wishing, praying, crossing fingers for us. Thank you! I can tell you it's appreciated!

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