
By MamaOfBoys

The day after

I want to say first off how much i appreciated everyone commenting. offering help and advice i really didn't set out to do that, i needed a vent but it was so great to hear i'm not alone and that a lot of parents felt how i did.

I really need to give myself more time and more often to breathe.I need to take better care of me which i tend to leave out a lot.

Im feeling better today, just alright i guess. I feel tired still.

The boys are really sick, my heart breaks for them. Harper woke up vomiting last night as he lay flat on his back which scared me, i'm really glad he was on the foldout couch in the lounge and not in his bed- i may not have heard him otherwise and been there in time to sit him up.

He vomited a few more times and it hugely brought his fever down- he tends to do that when feverish. 

Marley woke around 5 am vomiting, he was really sick, he kept vomiting for most of the morning- the force of it every time meant it was coming out his nose too which panicked him. He didn't start to hold anything down until after lunch.

I called my doctors and spoke to the nurse she said the vomiting is related to either the fever they keep getting or the infected tonsils- the stomach is bouncing back any incoming stuff that they swallow from  their tonsils.

Andre is sick too, hes not good- hes got a bad cough and his throat hurts so he worked from home today. Mid morning he went to the doctors and got a certificate for work anyways and they said his tonsils look ok at the moment so may just be the beginning.

The boys have slept a lot today, their poor wee bodies feel like they've come out of the oven.

My mum came and helped do housework, i wen to my mama in laws for a bit, was nice to chat , have coffee and a break.

As i was leaving my mama in laws Kanyes teacher called and said he'd hit his head and was upset. She would watch him for a bit and let me know if he was ok or not. 

He stayed at school but was really grumpy when he got in which i was expecting from him.

Around 5 i felt my troop were ok enough to go in the car to get supplies- i bough them hot chips which isn't healthy but they wanted them and i figured the salt would help their throats. I ran around the supermarket while they sat in the car with Andre- i bought lots of frozen yoghurts, juice boxes and coconut water.

When we got back we bathed them all , medicated and put them to bed. So glad Kanye  isnt sick his epilepsy would be bad and hes difficult when hes sick.

By now its been a good 24 hour since Harper and Marley started their antibiotics - through they vomited up some theyve at least had enough to start helping them get better.

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