
By MamaOfBoys


We are!

Just a quick blip tonight as my tummy is not good and I'm in bed, my tum has been a noisy gurgly grumpy organ all day so I haven't felt the best - hoping it's not a bug.

Andre called the real estate agent office this morning and they hadn't had anyone enquire as it was only listed Friday. We couldn't get hold of the actual lady so andre left a message and emailed her. She contacted us this afternoon with a viewing time Thursday 1230 which works well as that's Andres lunch break.

We're not sure if there are others going to the viewing- hopefully not.

We let her know we have bond available now and this afternoon without getting into specifics we asked our current landlord for a reference. It doesn't say we need one but I said it couldn't hurt and he gave us a nice one.

Mar was meant to be having his dental stuff done on Thursday but it's too close to the viewing time so I'll change it tomorrow.

Otherwise a pretty quiet day. I popped to the pharmacy and saw these tins aren't they awesome? I wanted to buy them all.

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