From Yosemite to tomatoes

From the amazing views and experiences of the last 20 days to the tomatoes in the greenhouse. At least we had some left to enjoy, I was expecting them to have all ripened and been eaten by Geoff who's been looking after things while we were away.

A smooth and luxurious journey from San Francisco. We managed to sleep for a few hours after too much food and alcohol before and after dinner.

The most frustrating aspect of the flight was the fact that all the window blinds were down throughout the flight. Down when we boarded. Remained down for take off, down all through the flight (understands for the night) but also down for landing.

It is most disorientating taxiing, taking off and landing not being able to see outside. If people don't want to look out of the window or take an interest in the scenes passing beneath and around them then they should sit in the middle and let those who want to look have a window seat. I thought the blinds had to be up for take off and landing anyway.

It was the same on the way over, blinds down and lights dimmed even though it was daylight for the whole journey.

A minor issue perhaps, but important to me.

Everything was fine when we returned, grass long of course and 2 cucumbers shyly hiding under crispy foliage. Our kind neighbours had picked up all the windfall apples too. I wonder what the allotment is like?

Back to more everyday blips for a while.

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