Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Timber Groynes.

Went for a walk along the coastline at Bardsea which is between Ulverston and Barrow in Furness. it runs for about 5 miles. This coastline faces south and looks over towards Morecambe Bay.

I was unable to get any shots of that view as it was very cloudy and overcast and the coastline was only just visible.

There were several rows of these Groynes and captured this row before the tide came rushing in. Looks better in Large view.

When I first started my walk, the tide was way out but about an hour or so later in had come in and was not far off the Groynes before I took the shot.

We are off to Cockermouth for lunch tomorrow and looking forward to a walk around the area.

Hope you all have had a nice weekend.

Enjoy and take care.

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