at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Let Ivy out on the way home today to play with the first crunchy autumn leaves we've seen. She particullarly liked when the wind blew new ones down to her. Picked up a handful of leaves for her to play with in the house- which after some persaussion she was convinced not to put in the washing machine.

Ivy slept till past 7 this morning after her late night last night, which did totally throw off her morning nap so we missed rhyme time. I had to go see the doctor this morning, so Ivy got to entertain a waiting room. An elderly lady gave her an enclosed spinning top- you know the ones that sit flat and when you push the button spin on the spot. Need to get Ivy one of those- she loved it. Ivy played with some toys whilst I chated to the doctor, but when I stood up she wailed, held her hands out to be picked up and clapped for please. I think she was worried I was going to leave her- silly girl.

Went to gaelic toddlers in the afternoon. Lisa brought out a puppet lion who got frightened if the children were too loud or rough. How good is that? Ivy took a bit of a tumble, I think she fell over the socks and got a fair bump right in the middle of her head. A cuddle seemed to help though. On the way to gaelic toddlers I tried out putting Ivy on my back using the ring sling (I recently sewed my own ringsling and the half box half knife pleated shoulder is super comfy). I think with her jumped on, she looks like the monster from the beechams mucus cough syrup that clings to the mans back.

Ivy was winging before dinner so I gave her a spatula to play with, but she thought it was a spoon and tried to eat from it. Gave her some guacamole on her spatula which seemed to work quite well. We had meat free fajitas for dinner, Ivy ate her mini fajita very well without any filling falling out and had melon for pudding.

I've started taking ivy's food covered clothes off downstairs before I send her off upstairs for her bath. It means you get scenes like a half naked Ivy trying desperatly to see if her bath is run yet.

This evening i'm sorting out our linen cupboard, using a tip i saw on pinterst of putting the duvet cover and pillow cases all inside on of the pillow cases in teh set to keep it neat.

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