...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Pushing Through....

I think it is appropriate...it is my brother-in-law's birthday today.

On the way out of the office today, I spotted this toadstool pushing its way through the soil and mulch. I couldn't help but think of what my husband, his sis and brother all went through during their troubled childhood.

Not to go into great detail, but let's just say abuse of all kinds abound within that family. Each of them, now on the other side of the trails, can look back and find a few good memories during those years. However, each experienced the emotions in a different way. Each 'pushing through' on their own accord.

I have spent most of my life with this family, they became my family. And the burdens they have been through as they attempted to deal with all the pain has not only been heartbreaking, but then life changing and finally triumphant.

Each of them 'pushing through' to battle the demons, 'pushing through' to find inner strength, 'pushing through' toward self worth and 'pushing through' to a future of hope.

I admire and appreciate each of them and know the road for them has been paved with grief. One can never fully recover, it is a daily journey, but I am proud to say they are all moving forward and have pushed through.

I love each one of them, they are my family and they are survivors!!!

Happy Birthday...Bro

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