Country File

By marypot

Maintenant je suis un chat

I was going to try post something of relevance to what is happening north of the border, which is only about 40 miles from here. We will be affected by the outcome, whatever it is. However, I've had a very long and very busy day so I'm going with a photo of Gracie instead, who is very proud of this mask she made. Grace has begun learning French at school and is enjoying it. On the back of her mask she had written 'maintenant je suis un chat' .

Eventful day at work. Taught the first of a ten week accredited course to a great bunch of teachers and teaching assistants, which went well, but had a few hiccups with the admin. Not my fault - miscommunication by the company I'm tutoring for. Hopefully all sorted now. Also had some tricky and emotional phone calls to field today. It's always a very difficult time for the students we work with and their families. Change can be too much for many.

On the way home I witnessed an accident on a roundabout just after I had left work. The woman in the car that had been hit was very shaken up so I stopped. It was a good thing I did, because the young lad and his mate who had gone into the back of her car were trying to lay blame and the poor woman was quivering so much she could barely function. Got her sorted out, the two drivers swapped details and I've given her mine if she needs a witness. Friendly police officer came and helped me get on my way as the road was so congested I couldn't get my car moved from the spot I had parked in to go help.

Home. Pizza. Music tv. Rest.

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