I've had the time of my life

And I owe it all to Mr A.

I've had two of the most fantastic weeks of my life with the absolute love of my life.

We've seen and done things we never even imagined we would do; hand on heart, it's been better than I expected (& I expected a lot).

The disappointments (though there weren't many) have been far outweighed by better things....the helicopter flight got cancelled but we had the most breathtaking flight in a 4 seater plane over the Grand Canyon & Lake Powell.....Las Vegas wasn't at all what I expected but San Francisco blew me away.....and an 11 hour coach ride due to road closures took us onto Route 66.

Mr A previously said he thought holidays were a waste of money, and sure, there are plenty of practical things we could have spent that money on, but we wouldn't have the experiences or memories that this trip has given us, and having him with me has been the best part of all.

We've Mr A survived 2 weeks of being together 24/7 just one little hissy fit from me when we couldn't find the hotel and had to walk for miles.

My suitcase is heavier, as am I the diet starts again Monday, but I've had all the American goodies that I promised myself....a proper hamburger ....a chilli dog.....root beer.....peanut butter ice cream, plus a couple of salads (feeble attempt at being healthy!)

Today we had a lie in until 11am, then caught the bus to Manhattan Beach, where we had lunch and a stroll along the pier. The beach (pictured) was lovely and the whole town was a much quieter place than Santa Monica.
We are now at the airport, waiting to board our flight home. After 2 weeks of being confined to a coach seat, the journey home should be a breeze.

I hope you've all enjoyed our vacation; normal service will soon be resumed.

That's all folks!

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